027-028: Healthy Marriage
Thursday, 18 May 2017
by Cody Layton
In these episodes of Mormon Stories, John and Margi have a discussion with Natasha Helfer Parker, LCMFT, CST about forming a foundation for marriage that withstands change. They also discuss guiding principles to maintaining successful relationships. In Part 1, John, Margi and Natasha discuss: Differentiation: the constant tension between “me” and “we” in marriage Respect/friendship
The Most Pernicious of All My Former Beliefs
Tuesday, 26 January 2016
by John Dehlin
“People are more important than beliefs” is The Oasis Network motto, and I really like it. But something I have to constantly remind myself (as someone who leans more secular these days)….is the following, “People are more important than NON-beliefs.” In other words, just because I no longer believe in the supernatural, this
- Published in Healing