The Open Stories Foundation has teamed up with Melanie Van Orden, Natasha Helfer Parker, and Dr. Kristy Money to create a one-day retreat for Post Mormon women in NYC. This retreat will take place on October 14th, immediately prior to the upcoming Mormon Transitions Retreat in New York City.
We are providing these additional retreat sessions because of the growing need for spaces that serve the particular needs of women and woman-aligned nonbinary folks as they transition away from Mormonism. We will be discussing Post Mormon sexuality, identity and career issues, and navigating relationships with believing family and friends.
WHO: Women who are cultural Mormons, transitioning out of the LDS church, ExMormon, or Post Mormon. This retreat is also appropriate for woman-aligned nonbinary individuals who meet the same criteria.
WHERE: Spectrum NYC at 121 Ludlow St #2, New York, NY 10002.
WHEN: October 14, 2016, from 10am – 4pm.
HOW TO REGISTER: The cost to register is $30/person. Lodging not included.
- Part 1 of Registration: Click here to register via PayPal.
- Part 2 of Registration: Complete this registration form.
Please send all questions to: mormontransitions@gmail.com.