Tuesday, 11 April 2017 / Published in Blog, Marriage, Raising Children, Support

SUPER honored/proud to release my latest interview with Heidi Nielson Packard and Dr. Josh Packard. This powerful, informative, and in-depth interview covers:

  • Heidi and Josh’s very orthodox Mormon upbringing and early years as Mormons. For those interested, Heidi’s brother is Christian Nielson, who is married to Stephanie Nielson of the NieNie Dialogues blog (sister to Courtney Clark Kendrick or CJane)
  • Their faith crisis involving science and LDS history (reading Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling), which resulted in Josh asking to be released from the bishopric,
  • How Heidi and Josh found value in secular humanism as a way to raise their children after Mormonism,
  • How the military community has helped to meet there social needs after leaving Mormonism, and
  • How they overcame early “mistakes” in communicating with believing family, resulting in more loving, respectful relationships with believing family members today.


Part 1: Joshua and Heidi give an introduction:

Part 2: Joshua and Heidi detail their faith crisis

Part 3: Joshua and Heidi discuss healing relationships challenged by a faith transition

Part 4: Joshua and Heidi discuss forming a new paradigm, raising their children, and finding a supportive community


Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:


Tuesday, 11 April 2017 / Published in Blog, Sexuality

In this two-part episode, Dr. John Dehlin and his wife Margi hold a panel discussion with Kristin Marie, Michelle Ross, Paul Smith, and Ryan Stott.  The panel navigates topics that include sexuality/purity messaging for the youth of the church, its impacts, and suggestions for approaching sexuality in healthy ways.

Part 1: The panel discusses the purity messaging they received as youth in the church and its impact on their sexual education and emotional well-being.

Part 2: The panel discusses healthy sexuality topics including developing your own definition of intimacy, negotiating your sexual experiences, and consent.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 1

Part 2

Friday, 24 March 2017 / Published in Uncategorized

Join Margi and John this Tuesday, March 28th @ 12PM MST for our episode on Singles and Sexuality. Participate LIVE via Facebook, or send your questions/comments to or comment on this blog post.

See you soon!


Saturday, 11 March 2017 / Published in Blog

John and Margi continue the conversation with our expert panelists Emily Celis, and Aimee White Heffernan.

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